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May 11, 2007


So, big thanks to everyone who's been in touch about that vodcast - looks like there's a folder somewhere in the BBC that might explain all this.

A quick thank you from me in person:


And here's a screenshot from the vodcast to show what I'm talking about.


Now I need to get hold of Jane. I think it's time I paid another visit to the BBC - and this time, I'm padlocking my front door.


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This is all blatently a hoax...

But its fun while it lasts :)

Oh and btw, everything is linked to Preston's One Big Weekend.

Trust me, listen to the lyrics displayed on the confirmation emails.

There we go. Worked it out :)

Andrew Scott

Hi Paul,

You may find this interesting, courtesy of Sarah Butler.


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In April and May 2007, I claimed there was a cover-up at the BBC to do with the words 'Frozen Indigo Angel'. It was all part of an Alternate Reality Game run by Radio 1 and the guys behind Perplex City - in fact, I encountered a character or two from Perplex City myself.

During the game, we gave away tickets to the Big Weekend, musical instruments belonging to major bands, and introduced thousands of people to a whole new world. All for free.

If you'd like to re-live the adventure, check out my first video, and then watch the rest.

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