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May 20, 2007

Get ready

Violet has worked out a way of telling when each transmitter goes into position - then we have to get to it quick. And cut the red wire. And do that four times, before the end of the day. Sounds easy. We'll see how it works in practice.


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In April and May 2007, I claimed there was a cover-up at the BBC to do with the words 'Frozen Indigo Angel'. It was all part of an Alternate Reality Game run by Radio 1 and the guys behind Perplex City - in fact, I encountered a character or two from Perplex City myself.

During the game, we gave away tickets to the Big Weekend, musical instruments belonging to major bands, and introduced thousands of people to a whole new world. All for free.

If you'd like to re-live the adventure, check out my first video, and then watch the rest.

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