The final battle
So on Sunday evening I tried to track down the fourth transmitter - take out that, and the whole system would be disabled. We knew it would be turning up somewhere in the VIP area, so I tried to get a dozen or so of you back there to help out.
But before I could, I spotted someone carrying a black box that looked a bit like the other transmitters we'd seen. This is what happened next:
All very hectic towards the end with everything moving so fast, but it couldn't have finished in a more appropriate place - in the 'Angels' massage tent, cutting the red wire with scissors provided by one of the Angels themselves.
Of course, the search for the missing instruments continues. Mark Ronson's keyboard can be found today. Visit for the lowdown. Looks like Cyrus is long gone, though.
And there's a shout out in the video to everyone who helped, but I want to repeat it here - THANK YOU so much to everyone on the ground and online, in the UK and beyond, who helped rescue the Big Weekend. I hope you enjoyed it. In a slightly manic way, I did too.
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