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April 27, 2007

Time for some answers - Frozen Indigo Angel on air

That's it - there's definitely something going on with Frozen Indigo Angel, and some people at the beeb definitely know what's going on. Check out the vid.

Okay, so some of the predictions I was sent about FIA have been wrong, but there's no doubting this one: this person, who claimed to be from the BBC, said the words would appear right at noon on Friday. Sure enough, on Jo Whileys show at 12:05pm, the words were in a song (Arctic Monkeys AGAIN). If you don't believe me, check it out (and no, I can't doctor the beeb's own recordings).

Edit: If you can't be bothered doing that, I uploaded the clip here:

I also found some old footage from the vodcast shoot that I was about to delete, with a Frozen Indigo Angel poster IN THE STUDIO. Here it is:

I've had enough with the bbc's stonewalling. I'm going down to the Radio 1 building this Monday in person, and I'm going to demand answers from Andy Parfitt, the Radio 1 Controller. If you're in London, I could do with some support - it'll put pressure on them if there are more of us. I'll be there just after 6pm so that we can confront him in there or wait till he comes out.

That's 6pm on Monday at Radio 1. 152-156 Yalding House, Great Portland Street. We're going to get some answers.

I just joined Facebook to set up an event page with more details if you're coming along. Also been using Twitter to let people know what I'm up to (-----> check the sidebar). It sends out free SMS updates, mostly with me going on about frozen indigo angel. Bit of a faff to set up, but it's cool to get SMSes about what's going on.


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In April and May 2007, I claimed there was a cover-up at the BBC to do with the words 'Frozen Indigo Angel'. It was all part of an Alternate Reality Game run by Radio 1 and the guys behind Perplex City - in fact, I encountered a character or two from Perplex City myself.

During the game, we gave away tickets to the Big Weekend, musical instruments belonging to major bands, and introduced thousands of people to a whole new world. All for free.

If you'd like to re-live the adventure, check out my first video, and then watch the rest.

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